So sorry hear of Dick’s passing. He was a great person to know and love. I enjoyed knowing Dick as long as I did for many years with him being my Bishop and great friend. Enjoy being with your wife again. Going to miss you.
You have been relieved of the watch and now we have the watch. RIP MY BROTHER
John W Valentine Sr
A man of many talents. His legacy will continue through the fine children that he and his beautiful life’s companion raised !
john griffin
Dick and Diane were among the first friends we made when we moved to the Athens area. They would take me to the Temple with the Calhouns and Dotterys. I so appreciated that they took me with them.
Marie Brennan
So sorry Duane and Kim to hear of your family’s loss. May your memories of your father ease your sorrow in the coming days and months!
Joette Martin
Dick was my boss for several years. He was a tough boss, and we were also in the same Ward, which was where I saw a different side to him. We had two things in common, love of the gospel and love of the youth.
He always chocked up when he bore his testimony, which touched my heart, and when I saw him playing basketball with the young men, with his shirt tail hanging out, well, how could Inot love that guy. Over the 20 plus years of our friendship, there has been too many memories to list. He and Dianna are missed, leaving a whole in my life, but I'm grateful they are together again.
Janine Marrs