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Guestbook for

Mildred (Millie) Malcom

Friends & Relatives

It saddens us so very much to hear of Millie’s passing. I truly loved that lady with all my heart. As you know, I grew-up loving her and nothing could have ever changed that. She sent me some pictures of a group of us at Union Chapel on Easter that I will always cherish. We were so young with our hats and baskets. She would always let me know at homecoming where her platter of fried chicken was so I could be sure to get hers. Again, we are so sorry but we know she is with the angels, singing in their choir. We love each of you!! Dan and Faye Jackson

Theresa, John, Jennifer & Family

Deeply saddened to hear of Millie's passing. She was such a wonderful friend, sunday school teacher, choir member, new life singers sponsor, and most people mportant always thought of her as one of Union Chapel's other mothers to all us children. Her laugh was contagious and her love for her family and God was undeniable. Theresa,l will always remember our trips to the
.mountains . God bless you and your family. May your memories give you peace. Love you all

Gail Hawk Allen

I’m very sorry to hear of Millie’s passing. I always felt like Millie and Drew were part of my family. We were in the choir together at Union Chapel UMC for many years. She was my Sunday School Teacher while growing up. She always teased me about how I was such a spoiled little girl when I was little because my parents waited so long to have their only child. I know she’s happy to be with Drew (her “Dibbie” as she called him). He was most certainly the love of her life. Sending my heartfelt love and prayers to Theresa and all the family.

Marlene & Russell Gray

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