Rosie was always so cheerful and had that beautiful smile for everyone. She loved the lord and was a blessing to be around. She's now enjoyimg the pleasuures of Heaven, with h er Lord and Savior and with her family members who've gone on before. Praise God!!!
Larry and Kathie Pate
Joan so sorry for loss! She was a sweet Lady! You’re in our thoughts and prayers! Love you!
Ronda Gaines Coble
Rosie will be missed
Sully and Mary Sullivan
Loved Rosie! Praying for the family
Ronald and Brenda Hobby
I will always remember Rosie’s beautiful voice singing Jesus Loves You at First Baptist Church of You. Her ending was precious when she said “and I love ❤️ you too.”
Linda Billings
Hey, I just saw this. So sorry to hear about Rosie but what a homecoming. She was always smiling and such a sweetie.
Bonnie Smith